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Support Request Status

This page shows the status of each email we have recently received from you (see below for more information).

Request Summary

Requests From NA
Requests In Last 4 days

Recent Support Requests

This section shows a live feed of your current support request statuses. It will update automatically.

Are we missing an email or ticket from you?  Try adding the 'from' address you used as an alternate email address on your account.

Times are Eastern Daylight Time.

The typical life cycle of a support request goes like this:

Support Queue Snapshot

Currently in the Support Queue 12 Items
Currently Being Worked On 2
Typical Response Time1 NA

These figures are for all of our current work queue (for all customers, not just you).

Typical Response Time1: Over the last 24 hours we have responded to most (70%) requests from customers in NA.

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