Pay only $5/month per server with our 'LAUNCH' $150USD hosting voucher

Load a $150 hosting credit onto your account.  We will use this special credit to reduce the amount due on any servers you order down to 5.00 USD/month per server for the first seven months (or until the hosting credit is used up).

Step 1: Have an account with us

Step 2: Add the hosting credit

Add the 'LAUNCH' coupon code to load the hosting credit onto your account.

Step 3: Get a $5/month server

After the coupon is loaded you can order a server.

On setup and during each month's billing we will automatically use the remaining hosting credit to adjust the pricing down to $5/m.

To check how much of the credit remains after your server is running, just visit the 'LAUNCH' coupon page.

Launch a server

8.28 USD /month

4084 MB memory
4 GB disk
15 GB data transfer allowance

The fine print

Any questions?  Just pop over to our live chat or email us.